The requirement of Supply Chain Management science, is for astute practitioners to be knowledgeable in communications, collaboration, technologies, economics trends, and transportation. The aforementioned four (4) are the summary areas for the efficient and effective Supply Chain Management function in conjunction with the units/departments, teams, involved in the movement of goods/services from suppliers/vendors to consumers. Effective communications with every player/stakeholder within the chain ensures cohesiveness of movements, players, and operations to achieve efficiency.

The effective implementation of a robust Supply Chain Management model showcase agility, flexibility, and continuity through a diversity of skills to ably manage complexity, and an everchanging array of movement and technologies within the logistics and supply chain sphere. The requisite skills for the Supply Chain Management Practitioner can be looked at broadly through the following points.

Requisite Skills

  1. Communication & Collaboration
  2. Financial Management Proficiency
  3. Procurement/Inventory Management
  4. Strategic Planning
  5. Transportation Fleet Management
  6. Leadership Management
  7. Problem Solving/Critical Thinking
  8. Supplier Management
  9. Warehousing & Storage
  10. Quality Control
  11. Risk Management
  12. Data Analysis
Applications of Skills in Logistics Management
The role of logistics is to implement and control the effective movement; forward and reverse flow of both internal, and external goods and services, and to efficiently provide and manage data and information between the point of origin and consumption. This to aid decision-making as a means of meeting customer requirements. It is the quintessential management service that streamlines all systems, processes, and functions, providing vitality and flexibility that allows all functions to optimize their resources. The three main areas are:
1. Supply chain logistics: To drive product conformity to customer. requirements and expectations 2. Distribution: To streamline delivery of goods and services via the established mode of transportation; procurement, inventory, warehousing, and all operations relating to returns/reuse of products, and refusal of service. 3. Warehousing: The storage design in warehousing enable efficiency in loading and unloading of products. This includes automation of orders, picking, design of storage units and aisle spaces to facilitate the use of machinery and vehicle operations, and to enable strategies for risks planning.
The importance of logistics to the survival of businesses cannot be understated, and it is imperative for logisticians to be properly trained, in addition to continuously find ways to improve their discipline and function. The skills required to be an effective manager of supply chain logistics are the same regardless of the size of the organization, as the global marketplace has increasingly challenge businesses to remain competitive. It is this dynamics that must be embraced and surpassed if logisticians are to be effective innovators and provide the requisite service to enable organizations to remain profitable.
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Supply chain logistics managers must possess the following skills/traits to be effective: 1. Critical thinkers: Possess critical problem-solving skills, understand business processes, procedures of analytics and evaluation, and be effective communicators. 2. Possess excellent time management skills, have an understanding of business systems/processes, goal oriented 3. Leadership ability: Managers must be persuasive, knowledgeable, be socially perceptive, of sound integrity, judgment, and good decision-making skills, and an active listener .
4. Adaptability: Is knowledgeable of the economics of the global marketplace and is responsive to changes and challenges internally and externally. 5. General management skills: Commercial awareness (costs management, import/export regulation), technology savvy, and people skills. Management of personal and company resources.
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The purpose of the course is to empowered others to more fully understand and appreciate the logistics function as an integral part of the decision-making capabilities, and core competency of organizations. The processes, tools, and techniques that will impact one’s learning are: 1. How the application of forecasting techniques to logistics impact transportation, warehousing, and ultimately the consumer. 2. How the dynamics of the global marketplace affect managerial issues; risk management, the use of ERP, DRP, WMS, to mitigate costs productivity, and efficiency.
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For supply chain logistics to become the vehicle that provide impetus for continued improvement, and allow a company to maintain its competitive edge, it must: 1. Formulate and implement a logistics policy/strategy that will ensure service level are always optimal. 2. Identify businesses and foster relationships and partnerships that will create leverage and value for the company. This can be done by a company practicing demand driven logistics; always match demand for products to supply, improvement to delivery structures, and embracing sales and operations planning as ways to enhance supply chain performance. .
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The relationship between logistics and successful business operations is striking, and it is accepted that a vibrant evolving supply chain logistics function is imperative to the survival of organizations. However, the logistics function is forever changing; the quintessential function that empower businesses to improve and maintain their competitive advantage via forecasting analysis that ensures efficient procurement. It is the catalyst that drives functionality, and impel business operate in a more cohesive manner. In summary, a strategic logistics function is the central activity that imposed its indelible mark on the landscape of business operations in supplying demand.
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